Tantrasāra: The Essence of Tantra – Online Retreat

Hareesh Christopher Wallis · November 29, 2022

After completing his monumental Tantrāloka (“Light on the Tantras”), circa 1000 CE, Abhinavagupta discovered that his encyclopedia of Tantrik philosophy and practice was simply too vast, detailed, and complex for most of his students, and so he composed the Tantrasāra, which by comparison is powerfully focused and laser-sharp, giving, as promised, the real pith and marrow (sāra) of Abhinava’s thought and his scripturally-derived insights.

In these recordings, you can dive into the teachings of this fine pointed text in a retreat form.
If you’ve not yet done any of our retreats, we recommend this one to be the first.

Retreat originally recorded at TIP, Portugal, 2021

About Instructor

+311 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 21 Lessons