Patreon Tantrasāra Series

After completing his monumental Tantrāloka (“Light on the Tantras”), circa 1000 CE, Abhinavagupta discovered that his encyclopedia of Tantrik philosophy and practice was simply too vast, detailed, and complex for most of his students, and so he composed the Tantrasāra, which by comparison is powerfully focused and laser-sharp, giving, as promised, the real pith and marrow (sāra) of Abhinava’s thought and his scripturally-derived insights.

Abhinava begins with his signature verse, the same one that appears at the beginning of his Tantrāloka and other works, and then dives straight in. His introduction serves as an orientation to the reason and purpose for the Tantrasāra’s composition — and that purpose is nothing less than your total spiritual liberation.

This series also contains bonus VBT content and sometimes it’s at the start of the video. For a deeper dive into the VBT, please see the Uncovering the Lessons of The VBT – Part 1 on the subject found in our Signature Courses.

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Course Includes

  • 22 Lessons