Awakening the Inner Power Retreat, UK 2024

Teachings on Spanda & Kuṇḍalinī

The purpose of this retreat is to give spiritual practitioners greater access to their innate strength, power, and resilience. The title of the retreat does not refer to Kuṇḍalinī awakening per se, but rather actualizing our potential to access what the tradition calls sva-bāla, innate strength.

Through accessing our sva-bāla, we find that we can better digest our experiences and release that which needs to be released from our past. We find resilience, “an unfailing sufficiency,” and fresh inspiration to meet the challenges of our life as opportunities.

The tools & techniques of Tantrik Yoga are uniquely effective in this regard. And this retreat we will meditate, move, dance, express, and find stillness as well.

Retreat originally recorded at UK, 2024

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Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons