A Path of Pure Radiance – Online Retreat

Hareesh Christopher Wallis · February 26, 2024

Uncover the Secret Teachings of Jñānanetra’s Krama lineage

Over a thousand years ago, in the mysterious, quasi-shamanic early period of Goddess-centered Kaula Tantrism, the Kālīkula or “Family of Kālī” denoted several interrelated groups whose primary deity was Kālī, the beautiful Dark Goddess. The Krama was unequivocally the most radical, transgressive, feminine-oriented, and nondualistic of all the sects and groups that fall under the heading of Shaivism and/or Tantra. It included the most exquisitely refined spiritual thought in the same sphere as some of the most radically transgressive practices, a seeming paradox that fits well in a system that thinks of the Divine as precisely that which can meaningfully subsume all paradoxes within itself and devour their apparent contradictions.

During the retreat we will be focusing on these teachings, exploring specific sūtras that may have a profound impact on your spiritual life and may deeply nourish your awakening process. These sūtras are still relatively secret, and accessing reliable teaching transmissions of them is almost impossible, since they are not yet published in English.

Embodiment classes offered by Shivā Saṃpūrṇa

This retreat was originally recorded in TIP, Portugal, 2022

About Instructor

+274 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 15 Lessons