The Ecstasy of Being Retreat

This retreat is a deep dive into traditional Tantrik teachings on desire, love, attraction (and repulsion), passion, sexual energy, and how embracing the reality of…

A Path of Pure Radiance – Online Retreat

Uncover the Secret Teachings of Jñānanetra’s Krama lineage Over a thousand years ago, in the mysterious, quasi-shamanic early period of Goddess-centered Kaula Tantrism, the Kālīkula…

Living in The World Webinar Series

Are you curious about the how Classical Tantra has the potential to enhance your daily life? This webinar series, “Living in the World: How the…

The Spanda Kārikā – Online Retreat

The Spanda-kārikā, aka the Stanzas on Pulsation, is an astounding 9th century text that explores the innate dynamism of consciousness and how we can access it to live…