A Path of Pure Radiance – Online Retreat

Uncover the Secret Teachings of Jñānanetra’s Krama lineage Over a thousand years ago, in the mysterious, quasi-shamanic early period of Goddess-centered Kaula Tantrism, the Kālīkula…

The Spanda Kārikā – Online Retreat

The Spanda-kārikā, aka the Stanzas on Pulsation, is an astounding 9th century text that explores the innate dynamism of consciousness and how we can access it to live…

Beginner Meditations and Readings

Beginner Meditations and Readings Whether this is your first exploration of Tantrik Yoga or you’re a long-term practitioner of these traditional teachings, this foundational course…

The Recognition Sutras Retreat

The Recognition Sutras Retreat was recorded live in Portugal in 2021. Join Hareesh and his live audience as they dive into the teachings of The…

Uncovering the Lessons of The VBT – Part 2

Welcome to the Vijñāna-bhairava-tantra: Part Two Continuing where we left off… The Vijñāna-bhairava-tantra is a text of Śaiva Tantra, also known as Tantrik Śaivism, and…

The Vijñāna-Bhairava-Tantra Retreat

The VBT retreat was recorded live in Portugal in 2021. Join Hareesh and his live audience as they dive into the teachings of the Vijñāna-Bhairava-Tantra.…

Uncovering the Lessons of The VBT – Part 1

Welcome to the Vijñāna-bhairava-tantra: Part One Let us begin with a short, simple Introduction The Vijñāna-bhairava-tantra (VBT) is a text of the Śaiva Tantrik tradition,…