Before contacting support, we encourage you to read through the following Frequently Asked Questions. If your problem is still unanswered you can email us using the button below.
When is the next Event?
Weekly schedules can be found at the Live Calls page, accessible via the Profile Dropdown menu ( picture ). Mobile users will find it in their Main Menu bar ( picture ). Times are always posted in Portugal time (GMT) unless otherwise stated, so please convert them to your local time. Often the time is given as a link you can click, which takes you to Google search query, that should show you the time in your timezone.
For retreats, workshops and bigger online events, see the calendar page: HERE.
To ensure you stay up to date with our offerings, join our mailing list: HERE.
Where can I find out more about an Event?
To check what we have coming up, and get any details we have available, check our Calendar page: HERE. You can click on the event if we have published the information page for it. If we have not, you can join our mailing list and get notified when we publish the event details.
What is the Schedule for this Retreat/Event?
Please check the sales page of the Retreat accessible on Once you have purchased access to a Retreat or a Course, you can see the schedule in a Lesson labeled “Schedule”.
Schedules for weekly online calls can be found at the Live Calls page.
Times are always in Portugal time (GMT) unless otherwise stated. Often the time is given as a link you can click, which takes you to Google search query, that should show you the time in your timezone. Example: 6pm Portugal Time.
Where can I find the Zoom link?
For TI Live calls ( Satsangs, Embodiment), you can see the link to the Live Calls page on the Learning Portal Front Page.
For online retreats and purchased courses look for the LESSON in the Course which reads “Zoom link”.
For free events, the link is on the Live Calls page.
If you can’t see the Zoom link yet, it will be made available shortly before the event starts. Please check back closer to the event start time ( and ensure you have your time conversion right ).
If the Zoom link isn’t working, please try again in a couple of minutes. If it’s still not working, get in touch!
Where is the Online Retreat I signed up for?
Retreats are functionally Courses, and are found on the Courses page accessible via the main navigation bar where it reads Courses. If you struggle to find the retreat, you can limit the Course Categories to Retreats only, or search for the retreat ( picture ). Alternatively, you can use the Profile Dropdown menu to see My Courses ( picture ).
I can’t start a Course despite being a member. It says I currently don’t have access.
Please click on the red ENROLL button ( picture ).
Also ensure that you have LOGGED IN to the site. Log in HERE.
I can’t access a Lesson, it says I need to complete a previous one.
When you see this message, please see the Lesson list by clicking on the Maximize/Minimize button ( picture ) and ensure all the previous Lessons are crossed out and have a red checkmark next to them. You can access any lesson via this list provided the conditions for it are met ( including the crossed out ones ). There is no “Complete” button, the Lessons get completed when you access them.
I’m not sure how to navigate the site.
Please see our video tutorials HERE. Note that we heavily encourage you to use a computer to access the site. The site was designed for desktop primarily, and mobile devices are much more vulnerable to distraction from notifications, calls, messages and so forth.
Make sure to FULLY SCROLL DOWN on the pages you are on.
How can I download audio?
Click on the three dots on the audio bar, and select “Download”. Or, right click/command click on the bar and select “Download”. If neither of these work, try a different browser or device.
Are the Recordings posted, and where?
The recordings for all events are usually posted within 48 hours, either to the Tantra Illuminated Library or to the relevant Course lesson.
A book/website/poem/resource/mantra was mentioned in the call, what was it?
Please check the page on which the recording is as directed on the previous question. Please note that certain mantras are not appropriate for being written down. This is why it’s important you listen carefully.
Where can I find this meditation/talk/document/etc?
Please use the latest Where can I find…? Thread on the Forums
How can I cancel my Subscription?
You can manage your Subscriptions by clicking on the Membership link in the Profile Dropdown menu, or by going to your Profile, clicking on the Membership Tab and there, Subscriptions Tab ( picture ). Mobile users can go to their profile by first clicking on the 3 white lines on the upper left corner of the screen ( picture ) and then following same instruction as above.
You’ll see your subscriptions listed, and looking to the right, you’ll see the option to cancel an active subscription ( picture ).
Please note that cancelling your subscription does not wipe your process on the site. You may pick up where you left off if you choose to re-subscribe.
I need to update my payment information
Follow the instructions above, but instead of Cancelling, choose update.
The Website is acting strangely
Try forcible reload of the page. See: PC/Windows HERE / Mac HERE.
If none of the above solved your problem, please provide us with the following information:
The email address you used to register to the site.
Describe the problem as accurately as you can.
If possible and relevant, provide a screenshot of your whole screen. This helps a lot.
Providing all this information at the start makes it much faster for us to figure out the issue.
We will get back to you within one business day.